We have a large selection of 1" - 12" Silicon Wafers. We have plenty of partial cassettes so you can buy less than 25 wafers and as few as one wafer.
We can deposit oxide, nitride, metals on any of the wafers. We can dice them, thin them to 5um. We have undoped, low doped and highly doped always in stock.
Fill out the form below and receive an immediate quote. See bottom of page for recent Silicon Wafers specials.
Get Your Quote FAST!
Item #136942
100mm P/B (100) 0.1-0.5 ohm-cm 300um SSP 2 week delivery
25 wafers $23.90 each
Item #136942B
100mm P/B (111) 0.1-0.5 ohm-cm 300um SSP 2 week delivery
25 wafers $23.90 each
Item #148417
100mm P/B (100) 0.1 - 5 ohm-cm 200um DSP 2 week delivery
25 wafers $23.90 each
WE have plenty of partial silicon wafers cassetttes availale. Below is a short list of requested materials that you can buy as few as one. Also see bottom for 0.1-0.5 ohm-cm wafers. Let us know if you can use or if you need us to quote something else. Thanks Chris
Item #793
150mm P/B (100) 1-10 ohm-cm 2000um DSP
One Wafer Left $45.90
Item #794
150mm N/Ph (100) 1-10 ohm-cm 2000um DSP
3 Wafers Left $45.90 each
Item #1214
150mm N/Ph <100> 0-100 ohm-cm 625um SSP
6 wafers in stock $19.90 each
Item #1340
150mm N/Ph <100> FZ 5000 ohm-cm 650-700um SSP Prime Grade
11 Wafers $141.00 each. One Wafer $100.00
Item #1519
150mm N/Ph <100> FZ 560-840 ohm-cm 525um SSP
14 wafers $14.90 each, 25 wafers $20.90 each
Item #1555
150mm P/B <100> 0.1-0.6 ohm-cm 375um SSP Prime In Stock
20 wafers $14.90 each One wafer $100.00
Item #1383
150mm Undoped <100> >10,000 ohm-cm 650um SSP Prime Grade
One wafer $315.00, 7 wafers $170.00 each, 25 wafers $125.00 each
Item #143625
25.4mm Undoped <100> FZ >1,000 ohm-cm 500um SSP 4 Weeks
25 wafers $30.98 each
Item #137894
100mm Undoped <100> FZ > 2,000 ohm-cm 500um DSP Semi Flat 4 weeks
$43.90 each for 25 wafers
Item 143738
76.2mm Undoped (100) FZ >1,000 ohm-cm 380um DSP Roughness <5A 2 week delivery
25 wafers $24.90 each