2 Inch Sapphire Wafers for Research and Production

university wafer substrates

2 Inch Sapphire Substrates for CVD Growth

A photonics researcher requested the followng quote:

We would like to order 5 sapphire wafers 50.8 mm in diameter, ID 1306. The Sapphire wafers are used as substrates for Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)  growth of MoS2 films.

Reference #37445 for specs and pricing.

Thick Sapphire for Particle Contamination Monitoring

A corporate scientists requested the following quote:

We need sapphire, any thickness under 1mm is OK.  We are using for coating process and particle contamination monitoring. Please quote the following specs:

100 pcs of 1” sapphire and 2” sapphire wafers (2-sides polished)

Reference #211625 for specs and pricing.

Get Your Quote FAST! Or, Buy Sapphire Online and Start Researching Today!

Thin Sapphire Used as Disposable Window in Optics

An Optics Researcher requested a quote for the following:

We are interested in thin 2" sapphire wafers for use as a disposable transparent window in an optics apparatus (no scattering). The first order will probably be for 200 wafers.

UniversityWafer, Inc. Quoted:

For window using, the wafers will possibly to be completely round, no flat, please confirm this, please see our quotation for both below:

1) Sapphire Wafer(With 1 flat)
Diam50.8mm, 0.43+/-0.025um thick, DSP
Flat: Flat size 16+/-1mm
Quantity: 200 Pieces

2) Sapphire Wafer(No flat, completely round)
Diam50.8mm, 0.43+/-0.025um thick, DSP
Flat: None
Quantity: 200 Pieces

Refernce #215475 for specs.

What Sapphire Wafer Are Used for High-Temp Laser Applications?

A PhD from a Physics research group requested we quote the following:

We are a research group and would like to buy high quality sapphire wafers for laser use under very high temperature environment. Need your help to find which is the best quality wafer you have. thickness may be around 200 micron (0.2mm). c-plane.

Also, we need to cut them into very small circular pieces (about 1mm diameter). Can you do the cut? if yes, how much for the work?

What we want to have is small diameter about 1 mm (or even octagon or hexagon --- personally I prefer octagon than round ones), thickness about 200um.

we are to use the two surfaces for reflection to get Fabryo-Perot interference, thus requires high surface quality and parallelism.

We may either buy small pieces, or buy large ones and cut to small by ourselves (say 5 cm diameter pieces common in market).

So, what is the diameter(s) are most convenient for you to make for thickness 200um, and such surface requirements? and the corresponding price(s)? So, we can compare and decide.

Basically use the two planes as F-P interference, and need it small so to follow a fast changing temperature.

UniversityWafer, Inc. Quoted:

high quality sapphire wafers,thickness 200+/-50 micron (0.2+/-0.05mm). DSP,c-plane,2'' dia. circular pieces (about 50.8mm diameter)

Reference #224464 for more specs and pricing.

Can you please tell me what is C to M-plane means?

C to M-plane means: C-Plane(0001) off-axis towards to M-axis

What is the crystal Ori in this sapphire wafer?

Yes,crystal Ori in this sapphire wafer C-plane,small mis-cut angle @ 0.2deg,of which is a industrial standard C-plane sapphire.

How to Measure Sapphire's Refractive Index Using Ellipsometer?

A researching assistant in a electrical engineering requested the following:


I have already gotten SSP sapphire wafer (item 1306) from your company. I irradiated this wafer and I want to measure refractive index  by using Ellipsometer. As ellipsometer  can not measure refractive index of the rough surface, I am looking for machine that can polish the rough surface. I am wondering to know that do you have such services in your company to polish rough side of  my sample ? Thank you. 

UniversityWafer Answered:

We suppose that you should purchase double sides polished sapphire wafers. We can supply DSP sapphire.

What Sapphire Substrate Diameters are Available?

We have a large selection of stadard diameters and custom dimension availble. Please send us your specs or click below:


Sapphire Substrates Used for Superconducting Devices

An Associate Professor from a Physics Department requested the following quote:

We need the following items.

Sapphire wafers. HSN CODE: 38180090

  • ID:2768 Category:Sapphire Diam :50.8mm Ori: <0001> Thick:(um)330um Polish :DSP Grade:Prime
  • ID: 3490 Category: Sapphire Diam: 76.2mm Thick (um): 500um Polish: DSP

The Sapphire wafers will be used for patterning of superconducting thin films, to make superconducting
. Such devices will be used to study the complex conductivity of thin film at very low temperatures < 1K.

Reference #ONLQ43863 for pricing.

Indium Tin Oxide Coated Sapphire Wafers

A nuclear science and engineering researcher requested the following quote:

Our group has used ITO on Sapphire substrates for several years in the past and we
are looking for a new source. We have a few custom specifications for our samples and we are interested in discussing them with you and potentially setting up an order. Please contact me so we can discuss technical
specifications and details.

Attached is a technical drawing of one of our heaters (please request). The sapphire is a 20x20x1mm substrate with two of the edges filleted to have a 0.5mm radius. The ITO coating is 10mm wide and wraps around from the top to the bottom, leaving an open area on the bottom of the sapphire. Additionally, gold pads wrap around the edges as well and cover the ITO except a 10x10mm area on top of the sapphire.

In general, we have two designs. The design seen in this drawing has a short wave pass (SWP) infrared filter placed on top of the ITO. We also have another design where there is no SWP filter. Both designs use gold pads wrapped around the edges.

The two designs have separate ITO specifications as well. The design with the SWP filter, the ITO is semi-transparent to the infrared. It is typically partially transparent to ~6 microns with the decline in transmission starting around 2.5 microns. We would like the ITO to be ~50% transparent out to 4 microns. The SWP filter will compliment this functioning to provide a sharp transition between the transparent wavelength (<4um) and the opaque wavelengths (>4um). We would like the ITO with these optical properties to be ~50-60 ohm/sq.

Please note, we have the diagnostic equipment needed to test the optical properties of the coatings. We would be more than willing to test the optical properties of these coatings if you do not have the equipment to test in the mid-wave IR region.

The design without the SWP, the ITO is completely opaque in the IR beginning at 3um. We would like this ITO to be 5-10 ohm/sq.

Typically we order 10 heaters with the SWP + semi-transparent ITO + gold pads and 20 of the opaque ITO + gold pads.

Buy Indium Tin Oxide Substrates Online.

Reference #212059 for specs and pricing.

What are Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Coated Sapphire Wafer Applications?

Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) coated sapphire wafers have a range of high-tech applications, primarily due to the unique properties of ITO, which is optically transparent and electrically conductive.

  1. Optoelectronics: ITO-coated sapphire wafers are used in the production of optoelectronic devices such as LEDs and solar cells. The ITO layer serves as a transparent conductor, allowing light to pass through while also carrying an electric current.

  2. Flat Panel Displays and Touch Screens: In flat panel displays like those found in televisions, computers, and smartphones, an ITO layer is used because it can efficiently conduct electricity without obstructing the passage of light.

  3. Transparent Heaters: ITO coatings on sapphire wafers can also serve as transparent heaters. When a voltage is applied, the ITO layer generates heat while remaining transparent. This is useful in applications such as defrosting windows in automobiles or aircraft.

  4. Sensors and Biosensors: ITO coatings on sapphire wafers are used to manufacture sensors and biosensors. ITO's electrical conductivity and transparency make it useful in the creation of sensors that can monitor physical or biological conditions while allowing for optical inspection.

  5. Research & Development: In academic and industrial research settings, ITO-coated sapphire wafers are often used to study thin films and other material properties. Sapphire's hardness and thermal resistance make it an excellent substrate for these studies.

Remember, the specific use of an ITO-coated sapphire wafer can vary depending on the requirements of the application and the properties of the ITO layer, including its thickness and the specific method used to deposit the ITO on the sapphire wafer.

2" Sapphire Substrates for Coverslips in Geochemical Research

A Research Scientist requested help with the following:

I would like some advice regarding your Silicon, fused silica and sapphire wafers - let me explain my application.

We are a geochemical research laboratory at University of Texas in Austin. We are extracting helium gas from mineral samples (typically about 20 to 50 mg) under vacuum using a laser with the laser entering the vacuum chamber via a sapphire vacuum viewport.

The problem is when the samples melt there is commonly quite a lot of volatilized material that coats the underside of our expensive sapphire vacuum window. In order to prevent this we have been placing a standard 1 inch square fused quartz or sapphire coverslip inside the vacuum chamber over the sample to act as a sacrificial barrier.

This works but the small size of the coverslips is problematic, so I have been hunting around for an alternative.

Our vacuum chamber has a workable diameter of about 63 mm - so your 50.8 mm diameter wafers may offer us an alternative to the coverslips we have been using.

From your website I see 3 different materials of interest: Fused silica, silicon, and sapphire.

Fused Silica ID 1951

50.8 mm dia 100 um thick DSP

Silicon ID 2018 or 2428

50.8 mm dia 200 or 280 um thick DSP

Sapphire ID 2571

50.8 mm dia 100 um thick SSP

Some specific questions:

1. Sapphire would probably be my first choice - but how transparent is the SSP sapphire wafer?

2. By "Silicon" I am assuming crystalline quartz?

3. For the Sapphire wafer ID 2571, the website did not list a price for single wafer, only for 5 units - is this item not available in single?

Id probably be interested in getting one each of these wafers and testing them. If I find one that works (or works best) we would then starting buying these as a lab consumable item.

Any advice you might have would also be much appreciated.

Reference #218261  for specs and pricing.

Thin Sapphire Substrates for Laser Machining Tests

A Research Scientist requested the following qutoe:

We are interested in a small quantity of 100-µm thick sapphire wafer (such as ID 2572) for some laser machining tests. Would you happen to have any reduced-price scrap pieces on hand that we could purchase
rather than the 5-pack of 50 mm wafers? Thanks for your assistance.

Reference #240856 for specs and pricing.

Does C-M plane Sapphire Effect the Optical Birefringence of the Substrate?

A principal investigator needed help with the following:


I currently have some of your 50.8 mm diameter sapphire wafers(ID 1251) and was wondering what exactly the "C-M plane 0.2 Deg" description means. I am not super familiar with the different ways to talk about the crystal planes, does this mean that it is aligned to the C-axis with a slight misalignment of 0.2 degrees into the M plane? Do you know if this will have significant effects on the optical birefringence of the material?


Yes,"C-M plane 0.2 Deg" this means that it is aligned to the C-axis with a slight misalignment of 0.2 degrees into the M plane

Regarding the "this will have significant effects on the optical birefringence of the material? " -- Rep: very small, almost can ignore it.