Si Wafer Used as Transmitter to Terahertz Radiation
A PhD requested the following quote:
We need Silicon wafers (approximately 10 pieces ) of high resistivity, 0.5 mm thickness, 2-4 inch diameter, with no dopant, Single side polished. Can you please send quotation for same?
We use silicon as filter in our experiment(also it transmit specific band of electromagnetic radiation). for that we need high resistivity Si wafer. Basically we are using Silicon wafer as transmitter to terahertz radiation in our lab (that's why high resistivity value is necessary) i.e. it is used as filter passing only terahertz radiation and reflects all other frequency including UV-Visible radiation. I am telling this technical info because if we buy and does not work as per our expectation then it will be loss for us.
We require Silicon Wafer of High resistivity (100 to 10000 (or more) ohm*cm), with undoped (intrinsic), must be Single Side Polished, 0.5 mm in thickness, 2 to 4 inch in diameter.
An si wafer is a semiconductor. The main purpose of a semiconductor is to make microchips for electronic devices. As silicon is a highly abundant element, a silicon wafer is used to manufacture these components. Here are some benefits of si wafer manufacturing. They can be molded into many different shapes, such as a cylinder or a square. The process involves a number of steps, but it is well worth the effort.
The primary flat of a silicon wafer is called the primary flat. The orientation of the crystals is determined by the polarity of the flat. Secondary and quaternary planes are characterized by their doping levels and orientations. In silicon, the smallest crystal is designated as (100). The primary flat is the longest flat in the wafer and is the largest. The secondary facets are cut in the R-plane and indicate the doping level.
The physical and electrical properties of a silicon wafer can be classified by its type. Intrinsic wafers are pure silicon while P-types are characterized by electrons. Both of these characteristics can affect the electrical response of a device. The polarity of a silicon ingot affects the way the semiconductor is processed, including etching, ion implantation, and other manufacturing processes. Once the ingot has been shaped, the next step in the fabrication process is to polish it.
What do Si Wafers Cost?
Despite its high demand in electronics, silicon is expensive. Despite this, large amounts of research and industry are being spent to create the technology to make silicon wafers of 300mm in diameter. The thickness of a silicon wafer is of great interest. This information is especially valuable in failure analysis. When it fails, it's important to know exactly how much the device is made of, so that it can make the proper decisions.
How thick is a Si Wafer?
The thickness of a silicon wafer is a key factor in the production of semiconductors. It is a thin slice of silicon and is used in many electronic and micromechanical devices. There are several parameters that determine whether a silicon wafer is suitable for the task at hand. These parameters can be found on a wafer's size chart. If a silicon wafer is too thick for a device, it is not a good candidate for fabrication.
Prime grade silicon wafers undergo polishing in order to achieve a mirror-like finish. These stages are necessary to achieve a smooth surface. The surface of a silicon wafer should be free of topography, scratches, and microcracks. If this is not achieved, it may not be suitable for device fabrication. Depending on the type of silicon, it is important to polish the entire wafer before it is used.
Moreover, silicon wafers are transparent, which means they can be used to produce semiconductors. In addition, these materials are suitable for imaging and growing cells. A 4" silicon wafer, for example, is precut into three 3mm chips. Five 7mm chips can also be used to develop photovoltaic devices. The same applies to a 10x30mm chip. Its dimensions are more than 100 times smaller than the smallest silicon nanometer.
A silicon wafer has different characteristics. One type is monocrystalline, which has large grains oriented in the same direction and grain boundaries. The other is polycrystalline, which is made of multicrystalline silicon. A polycrystalline si-wafer is epitaxial, which is created through epitaxial growth. Depending on the desired property, it can be doped for different applications. The silicon wafer is a perfect substrate for all semiconductor applications.
What are Some Si Wafer Sizes?
While si wafers are available in standard sizes, the most common type is a p-type mono-crystalline silicon wafer. These are cleaned and vacuum-sealed in a clean room environment. They are often considered prime and test wafers. Nevertheless, silicon wafers can be difficult to find. There are some non-standard-size silicon wafers that can be used to produce electronics. However, these products are still considered a good choice for many applications.
A silicon wafer is typically a single piece of silicon that contains one atom. It is usually a single piece of silicon that is flat. The two types are similar, but they differ in how they are shaped. Then, the silicon wafer is cut in half to form smaller components. The resulting piece is called a "pivot" or a microchip. This is a type of microchip.
Highly Conductive Si Wafers As Support for Electrodes for Electrical Studies
A Ph.D Graduate student of a Chemical and
Bimolecular Engineering Department requested the following quote:
I am in need of a highly conducting, prime grade, doped Si
wafer for use as a supporting
electrode for electrical studies
of thin polymer films. The Si
wafer will serve as one electrode
with a polymer thin film spun
coated on the polished surface.
It is important for my studies to
have a very defined experimental
setup, as well as the lowest
conductivity possible.
To avoid oxidation of the wafers
during sample preparation and
storage, I need a protective
coating, like some sort of
photoresist that is easily
removable prior to film
deposition on the polished side
of the wafer.
The other side of the Si wafer
(not in contact with my sample)
needs to be coated with a
conductive coating like sputtered
aluminum or another metal to
enhance electrical contact with
my measurement device.
Furthermore I need to have wafers
that are larger than a 3mm x 8mm
(rectangular) but no larger then
15mm diameter. Are you able to
cut wafers in such dimensions
(preferably 5mmx10mm rectangles)?
Please let me know if you are
able to prepare such wafers, and
if you need further information.
UniversityWafer, Inc. Quoted:
Item Qty. Description
EK34. 10 Silicon wafers, per SEMI Prime, P/P 4"Ø×525±25µm, SEMI Flat (one),
p-type Si:B[100], Ro=(0.001-0.005)Ohmcm, TTV<10µm, Bow/ Warp<40µm,
Both-sides-polished, with Photo-Resist on front-side (to prevent its oxidation),
with metallization layer on polished back-side,
Diced into 10×5mm rectangles,
Packed adhering to dicing tape. sealed in single wafer containers .
Please verify that this is what you need, and in particular.
Each 4"Ø wafer will yield 98 to 144 of 10×5mm rectangles.Do you need 10 such wafers or fewer or more than 10?
(0.001-0.005) Ohm-cm is the lowest resistivity normally available, is this adequate? At extra cost I can offer p-type (0.001-0.002)Ohmcm wafers - I do not recommend n-type Arsenic doped wafers.
Soon after polishing, silicon surface acquires a thin (monoatomic) Oxygen layer called "native oxide" Such Oxide is easily removed by dilute HF solution. We would apply Photo-resist immediately after such cleaning and drying, however we do not know how effective Phot-Resist will be and if the oxide will not reestablish itself while you are removing the Photo-Resist cover. What Photo-Resist do you suggest that we use ? We rather recommend that the user remove the native oxide himself at the time and place of use.
Aluminium is the easiest back-side metalization to apply but it also oxidizes quickly. Would Copper or Tin be better for you? We plan to apply metallization on a polished wafer back-si
Reference #213392 for specs and pricing.
3 Inch Si Wafer for Photoresist Mold Fabrication
A corporate scientist requested a quote for the following: