What is Si3N4 Wafer?

university wafer substrates

Si3N4 Coated Silicon Wafers For Microfluidic Chip Research

A university student requested a quote for the following:

"I would like to get a quotation for a box of silicon wafers 200 um thick, orientation 100, intrinsic, double side polished. They must be coated with a Si3N4 layer of 50 nm. Which is the tolerance of the thickness of the wafers?

The Si3N4 layer of 50 nm should only be on one side. The quantity will be a full box (25 wafers). I want to use the wafers to make a microfluidic chip (I will etch some shapes using KOH), therefore other specs such as resitivity are irrelevant. The thickness should be 200 um and the orientation 100."

Please reference #209287 for pricing.

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What Types of Nitride are Available?

There are several types of nitride deposited on silicon wafers and have seperate applications. Let us know what we can quote for you.

UniversityWafer, Inc. offers a variety of  LPCVD processing and PECVD processing options for your silicon wafers.  We can supply wafers with stoichiometric LPCVD nitride or low stress LPCVD nitride, as well as super-low pressure LPCVD nitride.   

Silicon Wafer diameters are available from 2" to 300mm and nitride thicknesses are available from 100A to 20,000A.  Buy as few as one wafer. 

Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition Nitride (LPCVD)

Grown on both sides of the wafer.

Can handle higher temps thus making LPCVD more stable that has a higher purity film.

Stoichiometric LPCVD Nitride
Film thickness: 100Å – 4500Å on both sides
Film stress: =>800±50 MPa Tensile Stress

Low Stress LPCVD Nitride
Film thickness: 100Å – 20,000Å on both sides
Film stress: <250±50 MPa Tensile Stress

Super Low Stress LPCVD Nitride
Film thickness: 100Å – 20,000Å on both sides
Film stress: <100±50 MPa Tensile Stress

PECVD Nitride – Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Nitride

Is grown on one side of the wafer, usually the polished side.

Used in low temperature applicatoins

PECVD Nitride
Film thickness: 100Å – 5000Å on one side
Film stress: +400±50 MPa Tensile Stress

Low stress PECVD nitride
Film thickness: 100Å – 20,000Å on one side
Film stress: <250±50 MPa Tensile Stress

PECVD OxyNitride
Film thickness: 100Å – 20,000Å on one side
Film stress: -400±50 MPa Tensile Stress


Is Si3N4 a Semiconductor?

Trisilicon tetranitride (Si3N4) is a form of silicon oxide that has very high electrical conductivity. It is also a good insulator and provides a high degree of electrical charge resistance, especially over short lengths and material cross-sections used to fabricate integrated circuits. It is also widely used for structural applications, including heat-resistant fatigue and thermal shock resistance.

Although Si3N4 is not as dense as pure silicon, it is still a useful semiconductor. Its high degree of purity makes it suitable for electronic devices. It is available in a variety of forms and costs are reasonable per gram. It is a great value for money and outperforms other materials in a wide range of applications. It is durable, low-maintenance, and can withstand a high temperature.

The main drawback of silicon nitride is its poor dielectric strength and high cost. While it is an excellent insulator, it can be damaged by nonferrous alloys. Hence, it is important to avoid using silicon nitride for semiconductor applications. Moreover, it is quite expensive. Fortunately, the price of this material is reasonable, and it is widely available in advanced ceramic applications.

Because of its high purity, silicon nitride is suitable for semiconductor manufacturing. Unlike diamond, it is resistant to extreme temperatures. Likewise, silicon carbide has strong covalent bonds in its crystal lattice. This makes it suitable for semiconductor devices. This makes it a valuable semiconductor. It is also a good choice for thermal shock and wear. It is twice as hard as tool steel.

As a semiconductor, silicon nitride is extremely dense and has a very high electrical resistance. As a semiconductor, silicon nitride is a crystalline material that can withstand severe operating conditions. It can be heated to 1850°C, but it dissociates at this temperature. It is covalently bonded to silicon and nitrogen, making it a very good material for semiconductor applications. As an electrical insulator, silicon nitride can be used to make transistors, memory cells, and other electronic devices. It is inexpensive, which makes it an ideal choice for advanced ceramic applications.cularly useful in electronics, as it is both a semiconductor and a structural material.

Its properties are also unique. Its chemical formula includes silicon, nitride, and silicon dioxide. These compounds are important engineering materials due to their unique properties. They have high strength and toughness, excellent wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. They are highly reactive, so they can withstand high temperatures. A wide range of other applications have silicon nitride as a semiconductor. These ceramics are often made of other materials.

Is Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) a Dielectric?

Silicon nitride exhibit dielectric constants of six to seven and are classified as intermetallics, which means they can behave like a metal and be electrically conductive. Among the many types of dielectrics, silicon nitride is most commonly used in semiconductor processing. This material is deposited by a variety of techniques, including LPCVD, PECVD, sputtering, and evaporation. The composition of silicon nitride varies depending on the desired properties. Its characteristics include high temperature resistance, high mechanical and electrical conductivity, and low thermal expansion coefficient.