Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN) Substrates

university wafer substrates

InGaN for Blue and Green Light Emissions

A PhD of Photovoltaic Metrology requested a quote for the following substrate.

I am looking for few nos. of InGaN MQW for blue and green light indium gallium nitride (InGaN) Blue LEDemissions and p-GaN and n-GaN epilyers on 2 inch sapphire, also full blue LED wafer for blue light emission so as to get about 200 lum. / watt light emission at standard chip size under standard electrical voltage-current bias conditions.

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Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN) Substrate for Electron Work Function

A nuclear scientist requested a quote for the folllowing:

I'm working on a project where I need a material with a very low work function (the lower the better).  It looks like the lowest work function materials are semiconductors with a surface coating.  If you're familiar with this, let me know what you think we should use.  Something with negative electron affinity would probably be good.

If you're not familiar with this, the best I've read about so far is InGaAs (or InGaN) with a thin (single or few atoms thick) layer of Cs or CsO.  Is this something we can get from you?

If not, then we'd be interested in ordering a couple other wafers from you.  I was thinking GaAs and GaP, and probably Silicon or something too.  The size material we usually use is 2.5 inches diameter, if you happen to have anything that size.  Otherwise we'll make do with 2" wafers.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know.  For example, I think N-type material has a slightly lower work function than P type, but if you know, differently, please let me know.  The active material only needs to be a few tenths of a micron thick, and the wafer as a whole should be self supporting.

What we'll probably want to do is order several different materials 
(just plain), and then order a couple materials with a Cs or CsO 
layer.  Any idea how much it costs to get a Cs or CsO layer?  Also, 
will those layers be stable in air, or do they need special handling?   
And how about lead times?  These layers we'd want as thin as possible 
(single atom would be fine).  The wafers the CsO layers are on can be 
as thick (or thin) as convenient, as long as they are self supporting 
when held up by the edges.

Any input is appreciated.  Once I here back from you we'll get an order together. 

UniversityWafer, Inc. Replied:

I am familiar with the general concept of electron work function, and I am aware that certain oxide coatings on metals, reduce the work function significantly. I read that certain oxide and nitride coatings on carbon and diamond can reduce the work function below 0.1 eV. I have no specific knowledge about coatings on semiconductor materials, although I suspect that it is a more complex subject than in case of metals.

We do not have any monocrystalline InGaAs (at any In:Ga ration) and certainly not InGaN. We can produce InGaAs Epi layers on GaAs or InP by MOCVD. We can produce such layers with various In:Ga ratios, and various dopings. We can grow GaN on Sapphire, and on that we can grow InGaN at various In:Ga ratios. All such Epi layers are limited by the stress of the lattice mismatch. Such layers can be very thin, perhaps 10nm or even less. I think that we happen to have some In(0.5)Ga(0.5)Sb crystals and if that is of interest then I will check on their characteristics.

We can produce Cs and CsO layers on various substrates by electron beam evaporation, however I do not know how thin and uniform we can make such layers.

YES we can make 2.5" GaAs wafers, but they will cost more than 3" GaAs. 2" GaAs wafers are standard, and if you can use them I recommend that you stay with that.

Reference #103744 for specs and pricing.



InGaN Testimonial on Free-Standing Gallium Nitride (GaN)

A graduate research assistant frustrated with his search for InGaN found UniversityWafer, Inc.

Before I found, all the vendors of wafers that I could find offered only InGaAsInGaN, AlGaN, AlN, etc. films on silicon or sapphire.  This was frustrating, because I am looking for a wafer with a simple, undoped GaN film -- no other elements in it -- on the substrate.  So, if this is what you term "free-standing GaN", then yes, this is what I'm looking for, and please forgive my lack of knowledge in not using this term instead.

Reference #103073 for specs and pricing.

P-Indium Gallium Nitride

A PhD candidate studying chemistry requested a quote for the followinog:

Do you sell p-InGaN? I believe it is usually deposited on GaN on sapphire. I'm not sure if it is commercially available.

UniversityWafer, Inc. Replied:

We can grow an Epi layer of p-type Gallium Nitride on a Sapphire [0001] wafer. To produce a p-type material one needs to dope appropriately and then heat treat the wafer to develop the p-type conductivity characteristic. We do this by MOCVD.

We can also grow p-type Indium Gallium Nitride. However, you need to specify the Indium: Gallium ratio. If the Indium content is significant then we may have to grow also a transition layer to maintain lattice match.

The cost depends primarily on the thickness of the Epi layer. An Epi layer of p-type InGaN, one micron thick, on a 2" diameter sapphire wafer will cost about $.

Please specify:

The Indium Gallium ratio that you require, the degree of p-type doping, and the thickness of the Epi layer. Also specify the number of wafers that you need.  Based on that we will be able to prepare a quotation for you.

We Quote P-InGaN wafer:

p-InGaN wafer,deposited on GaN on sapphire,100mm dia. 650um thickness,single side polished

Reference #92244 for specs and pricing.

What is Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN)

Indium gallium nitride (InGaN) is a semiconductor material made by combining indium nitride (InN) and gallium nitride (GaN). It is a ternary alloy, meaning it is composed of three elements: indium (In), gallium (Ga), and Indium Gallium Semiconductornitrogen (N).

Here are some key points about InGaN:

  1. Properties:

    • InGaN has a direct bandgap, which makes it highly efficient for light emission.
    • The bandgap can be adjusted by varying the ratio of indium to gallium, allowing it to emit light across a wide range of wavelengths, from the ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR).
  2. Applications:

    • LEDs: InGaN is widely used in light-emitting diodes (LEDs), particularly in blue and green LEDs. It is also used in white LEDs when combined with phosphors.
    • Lasers: InGaN is used in laser diodes for various applications, including Blu-ray disc players and medical devices.
    • Solar Cells: It is being explored for use in high-efficiency solar cells due to its adjustable bandgap.
  3. Advantages:

    • High efficiency in light emission.
    • Versatility in producing different colors of light.
    • Robustness and reliability in various electronic and optoelectronic devices.
  4. Challenges:

    • The quality of the material can be affected by defects and dislocations, which can impact performance.
    • Manufacturing processes need to be carefully controlled to achieve the desired properties and performance.

Overall, indium gallium nitride is a crucial material in modern optoelectronics, enabling advancements in lighting, displays, and energy technologies.