We are putting down films of semiconducting polymers on top of the wafers to make Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) structures. The heavily doped Silicon acts as a metal. What wafer specs should I use?
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We are putting down films of semiconducting polymers on top of the wafers to make Metal Insulator Semiconductor (MIS) structures. The heavily doped Silicon acts as a metal. What wafer specs should I use?
Reference #44174 for specs and pricing.
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In the realm of semiconductor tech, the combo of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) is a core element that's frequently used. It consists of three layers:
Metal Layer: This is the top layer and is typically made of aluminum or other metals. It acts as a conductor, allowing current to flow easily.
Insulator Layer: Situated between the metal and semiconductor layers, the insulator is usually made from materials like silicon dioxide (SiO2). It prevents charge from easily flowing between the metal and semiconductor layers, but under certain conditions, it can allow the influence of an electric field to pass through.
Semiconductor Layer: This is the bottom layer, often made of silicon. Semiconductors have properties between those of a conductor and an insulator. They don't conduct electricity as well as metals but do so better than insulators.
The MIS structure is key in the function of Field-Effect Transistors (FETs), including MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors), which are widely used in digital and analog circuits. In these devices, the voltage applied to the metal layer can control the current flow through the semiconductor, making them essential for amplifying or switching electronic signals.
With its knack for managing electron flow accurately and power-efficiently, the MIS structure has become a game changer in modern electronics – it's what lets our gadgets shrink down without losing any punch.
In the fabrication of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor (MIS) structures, the choice of substrate material is crucial as it forms the basis of the semiconductor layer. Common substrates used include:
Silicon (Si): The most widely used substrate in MIS structures. People lean towards silicon because it's everywhere, we've got a solid grip on how it behaves, and there's an established tech scene for handling it. It's used in both bulk and thin-film forms.
Gallium Arsenide (GaAs): This is another popular choice, especially for high-speed and high-frequency applications. GaAs offers higher electron mobility than silicon, which makes it suitable for radio frequency (RF) and microwave components.
Silicon Carbide (SiC): Known for its high thermal conductivity and high electric field breakdown strength, SiC is used in high-power and high-temperature applications.
Germanium (Ge): Once the primary material for semiconductor devices before being largely replaced by silicon, germanium is still used in some applications due to its good carrier mobility.
Sapphire (Aluminum Oxide, Al2O3): This is often used as an insulating substrate for the growth of semiconductor materials, especially in applications where insulation from the substrate is required, such as in silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) technology.
Indium Phosphide (InP): This material is chosen for its high electron velocity, making it suitable for high-frequency and high-speed electronics.
Picking a substrate comes down to what you want from your final MIS gadget, like its speed, how well it saves power, handles heat and operates at different frequencies. People are constantly researching new substrate materials, aiming to make MIS structures work better and do more.