Substrates Used In Nanophotonics Applications

university wafer substrates

Nitride Coated Fused Silica Used for Nanophotonic Applications

A graduate student requested the following quote:

We are looking for a fused silica wafer, and I saw the listed JGS1, JGS2 and JGS3 products. I read a few descriptions on your website, but I'm not pretty sure if I interpreted the differences correctly. Basically the purity and OH contents are different, but I don't know which one is a better candidate for my research.

We want to grow a thin layer (~100nm) of LPCVD Nitride on top of the fused silica wafer, and we will use the SiN for nanophotonic applications. Which product would you recommend to avoid cracking during LPCVD? Will the bubbles influence nanophotonic properties? We are only using visible light, so the transmission of all three products suit us well enough.

UniversityWafer, Inc. Replied:

Per your application reuqirement , the best option is JGS1 and there is hardly any metal impurity and inclusion and bubbles in side , frankly such defect items are all will impact the nanophotonic result very much.

Reference #266969 for specs and pricing.

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What SOI Wafers are Used for Silicon Nanophotonics Research

A  PhD student working on silicon nanophotonics requested the following quote.

We would like to have a SOI wafer with the oxide layer of about 3 micron thick. The silicon (device) layer should be about 250 nm thick.

Reference #208915 for specs and pricing or buy SOI online here.



What Is Nanophotonics?

Nanophotonics, also known as nano-optics, is the study of the behavior of light on the nanometer scale, and of the interaction of nanometer-scale objects with light. This field of research is a branch of photonics that deals with the science and technology of light and its interaction with nanoscale materials. Nanophotonics encompasses a variety of subfields, including:

  1. Plasmonics: The study of plasmons, which are the oscillations of free electrons at the surface of a Nano Photonics Applicationsconductor, usually at the interface between a metal and a dielectric. Plasmonics involves manipulating light at the nanoscale by coupling it with these electron oscillations.

  2. Metamaterials: Artificially structured materials engineered to have properties not found in naturally occurring materials. They can be designed to control electromagnetic waves in unusual ways, such as negative refraction or cloaking.

  3. Photonic Crystals: Periodic optical nanostructures that affect the motion of photons in a similar way that ionic lattices affect electrons in solids. They are used to control and manipulate light flow.

  4. Quantum Dots: Nanoscale semiconductor particles that have quantum mechanical properties. They can emit light of specific wavelengths when excited and are used in applications like bio-imaging and display technologies.

  5. Silicon Photonics: The use of silicon as an optical medium for information processing and communication. Silicon photonics leverages the well-developed silicon microelectronics industry to integrate optical devices on a silicon chip.

  6. Near-Field Optics: Techniques that involve light at distances smaller than its wavelength, enabling resolution beyond the diffraction limit of light. This is essential for imaging and lithography at the nanoscale.

Nanophotonics has a wide range of applications, including in telecommunications, medical diagnostics, imaging, and information processing. By manipulating light at the nanoscale, scientists and engineers can develop new technologies with enhanced performance and capabilities compared to traditional optical systems.

What Substrates are used in Nanophotonic Applications?

In nanophotonic applications, various substrates are used depending on the specific requirements of the application. Some of the common substrates include:

  1. Silicon (Si): Widely used in nanophotonics due to its compatibility with existing semiconductor fabrication technologies. Silicon is used in silicon photonics for integrated optical circuits and other photonic devices.

  2. Silicon Dioxide (SiO2): Often used as an insulating layer in silicon-based devices. It is also employed in the fabrication of photonic crystals and waveguides.

  3. Silicon Nitride (Si3N4): Known for its low loss and high refractive index contrast, silicon nitride is used in waveguides, photonic circuits, and other nanophotonic devices.

  4. Gallium Arsenide (GaAs): A III-V semiconductor material with excellent optical properties. It is commonly used in laser diodes, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and other optoelectronic devices.

  5. Indium Phosphide (InP): Another III-V semiconductor material used for high-speed and high-frequency photonic devices, including lasers, modulators, and photodetectors.

  6. Sapphire (Al1O3): Used for its excellent optical transparency and thermal stability. Sapphire substrates are employed in high-power and high-temperature photonic applications.

  7. Quartz (SiO2): Used for its optical transparency over a wide range of wavelengths. Quartz substrates are common in optical waveguides, lenses, and other photonic components.

  8. Lithium Niobate (LiNbO2): Known for its electro-optic and nonlinear optical properties, lithium niobate is used in modulators, switches, and frequency converters.

  9. Glass: Various types of glass, including borosilicate and fused silica, are used in optical fibers, lenses, and other photonic devices due to their transparency

  • Plasmonics
  • Metamaterials
  • Nanofabrication Technologies
  • Nanophotonic Devices and Systems
  • Optical Computing
  • Photonic Crystals
  • Quantum Photonic Devices
  • Quantum-Optical Technologies
  • Nanoscales Light-Matter Interaction
  • Nanobiophotonics