Customized III-V Substrates to Develop 3D Structures
A PhD student requested the following quote:
I wonder if you could
customized the III-V materials
on wafer? We have a project
aiming to develop a 3D
structure of III-V materials requiring two layers of III-V
materials, each layer is around
20 nm thick and one is in
highly compression stress and the other is tensile stress.
I am wondering if you have calibrated-stress data available for the material composition you mentioned? since we have to focus on the thin film stress first then the composition, doping levels..
UniversityWafer, Inc quoted:
YES, we do such structures by MOCVD on 2"Ø and 3"Ø wafers. We can deposit Al, Ga, In and P, As, Sb, also N.
Please specify the composition, thickness and doping level of the substrate and each of the layers. Specify how many such wafers will you need.
One starts with a monocrystalline substrate. Depending on which material you use, it has a specific lattice spacing. When you deposit an Epitaxial film of a material with a different lattice spacing, here builds up a stress in the film, either compressive or tensile. One can adjust lattice mismatch by adjusting the composition of the deposited layer.
For example, on InP substrate one can deposit In(0.53)Ga(0,47)As. This composition of In, Ga, As has lattice spacing that matches that of InP and there is no stress in the deposited layer. If I deposit In(0.58)Ga(0.42)As, its lattice constant is larger and the film is under compressive stress. If I deposit In(0.48)Ga(0.52), its lattice constant is smaller, so the film is in tension. The magnitude of the stress depends on the difference in lattice constants, on film thickness and the elasticity of the atomic bonds involved. Measurement of peak Photoluminescence wavelength indicates the magnitude of the stress.
Lattice constants are well tabulated for various III-V compounds (see Wikipedia under "Lattice constant"). However, I do not know of such tabulation of stress levels, perhaps because there are many factors involved. I am not an expert in this field, perhaps others know more on this topic.
We can deposit any combination of the elements that I listed on any of the commonly used III-V substrates. We can deposit many thin layers. We can measure lattice deformations (strain) by measuring Photoluminescence and with X-Ray diffraction. We are not design the structures.
YES, you are right that doping levels do not have a material effect on Lattice constants and on stress within the layers.
Reference 215838 for specs and pricing.
What Is a III-V Semiconductor?
In order to create a III-V semiconductor, a material needs to contain at least three elements from columns III
and V. In this case, the elements should be gallium, indium, and arsenic. The third- and fifth-column elements contribute three and five electrons respectively. However, the fourth- and sixth-column element must contribute two or three electrons.
The study of semiconductor alloys consists of first principles and fundamental concepts of physics. The primary focus of the study is on spatial localization of electronic states. Isovalent impurities in the host GaAs can influence photoluminescence linewidths and carrier mobilities. Extremity of localization at the band edges is related to the ability of the material to alter the band gap and relative band alignment. Substitutional defects are related to the formability and growth challenges.
In semiconductor devices, group III-V compounds include silicon and germanium. These semiconductors are composed of two or more elements from groups III and V of the periodic table. In addition to GaAs, III-V semiconductors also include indium nitride and gallium-arsenide. Further research into indium nitride is underway. A similar process is currently in use to dope InN with Mg.
A semiconductor is a material which can function as an electrical conductor and an insulator. These materials are in the group III and V of the periodic table and are used to make electronic and optoelectronic devices. These devices are made of a combination of different elements and can be operated at high frequencies. For this reason, these compounds are often found in electronics and are considered a perfect match for LEDs.
A III-V semiconductor is an alloy of the elements in groups III and V of the periodic table. The most common of these is Gallium Arsenide (GaAs), while in the group IV, nitride semiconductors are a subset of GaAs. The research conducted at Warwick, UK, reveals that there are many different types of these materials. It is a versatile material with a wide range of applications.
IQE is a manufacturer of a variety of substrates made of the group III-V semiconductors. These are typically made through Vertical Gradient Freeze (VGF) and Czochralski growth processes. Using these materials in this manner allows them to control the flow of electrical current with a small voltage or physical stimulus. As a result, the semiconductors are widely used in electronics.
A semiconductor is a compound of elements in groups III and V of the periodic table. Its name means "group III semiconductor." A common semiconductor is GaAs, a compound of two elements: indium and gallium. The IQE product family includes Gallium Arsenide and Indium Phosphide. These components can be used in electronic devices and bulk polycrystalline feedstock.
A semiconductor is an element that has both electrical conductivity and induction. This means that it can be used to transmit light or detect a signal. It is composed of four different elements: indium and gallium. Indium has three valence electrons. Indium is an indium nitride. The latter has five electrons. Its isomer of indium.
A III-V semiconductor is a material composed of gallium and nitride. Both elements possess three valence electrons. This type of semiconductor is used in high-power applications, such as microwave amplifiers, because it has high electron mobility. Its properties make it an excellent choice for high-voltage and ultrahigh-frequency electronic devices. It is also useful in other industries, including solar cells and ink.
In contrast to semiconductors, Iii-Vs are materials formed from elements from column III and column V of the periodic table. They contain a wide range of electrical and optical properties, and their chemical structure is essential for electronic devices. This range of materials is a key component in the manufacturing of modern electronics. In fact, all four of these elements are important for modern day technology. These materials are made from carbon and graphene.
The iii-v semiconductors are a versatile type of electronic device that uses III-N materials. The NDR is a highly useful semiconductor and is often used in high-speed computers. Its Negative Differential Resistance, also known as NDR, is another interesting property of the III-N semiconductor. While the NDRs are not completely reliable, the peak-to-peak current ratio indicates that they are not a perfect semiconductor.
What are III-V Substrates Carrier Concentration Ranges?
The following is a table of doping levels of III-V Compound Semiconductors that we carry. Let us know if you have any questions?
Doping of III-V Compound Semiconductors
Undoped |
Doped n-type |
Doped p-type |
Semi-Insulating |
type |
Nc |
Mobility |
Nc |
Mobility |
Nc |
Mobility |
Ro |
Mobility |
(a/cm³) |
cm²/Vs |
(a/cm³) |
cm²/Vs |
(a/cm³) |
cm²/Vs |
Ohmcm |
cm²/Vs |
GaAs |
GaAs:- |
n |
1E7-3E8 |
6,000 - 3,000 |
GaAs:Si |
1E16-4E18 |
3,000-1,000 |
GaAs:Zn |
1E16-4E19 |
210-50 |
GaAs:Cr |
1E7-1E9 |
2,000-4,500 |
GaP |
GaP:- |
n |
1E12-3E16 |
170 - 140 |
GaP:S |
3E17-8E18 |
140-100 |
GaP:Zn |
6E17-6E18 |
66-56 |
GaP:- |
1E7-1E12 |
140-160 |
GaSb |
GaSb:- |
p |
1E16-2E17 |
3,000 - 600 |
GaSb:Te |
5E16-5E18 |
3,500-2,000 |
GaSb:Zn |
1E18-7E18 |
500-275 |
InAs |
InAs:- |
n |
2E16-6E16 |
25,000-21,000 |
InAs:S |
5E17-2E19 |
14,800-6,000 |
InAs:Zn |
1E18-4E19 |
155-96 |
InP |
InP:- |
n |
5E14-3E16 |
4,500-1,700 |
InP:S |
3E18-9E18 |
1,600-1,000 |
InP:Zn |
4E18-6E18 |
60-50 |
InP:Fe |
1E7-9E7 |
1,700-3,200 |
InSb |
InSb:- |
n |
1E14-5E14 |
500,000-350,000 |
InSb:Te |
1E15-2E18 |
200,000-24,000 |
InSb:Ge |
1E15-5E17 |
70,000-4,000 |
Note: InSb parameters measured at 77ºK, all others at 300ºK
Note: Undoped GaAs:- is normally Semi-Insulating, ultra-pure GaP is Semi-Insulating, none of the others are.
Note: Mobility is that of Majority Charge Carriers; p-type Mobility is Hole Mobility, all others are Electron Mobility
Note: 1/Ro=Nc × u × e
Ro is Resistivity in Ohmcm
Nc is Charge Carrier Density in charge carriers per cm³
u is Mobility in cm²/(Volt × Second) or (cm/Second)/(Volt/cm)
e is Electric Charge of a Charge Carrier in Coulombs per Electron = 1.6021E-19
end |
I do not know what concentration ranges are best for high performance FET devices.
I expect that high charge carrier mobility is key to high speed switching and that tends to be highest when electron conduction predominates but at lowest concentration.
I expect that power handing is best at high dopant concentrations.
Most devices strive for balance between these requirements.